Sunday, May 20, 2012

Going to Granada!

I am really amazed that I am leaving for Granada, Spain in a little over 48 hours.  I clearly remember when I applied to the program in January, and now my dream of traveling abroad is finally going to come true!  I am definitely experiencing something along the lines of a frantic peace, as in I am deciding what to pack and researching as much as I possibly can about Spain, and thinking about all of the "what if" questions.  At the same time however, I feel very relaxed about the experience, and can't wait to really dive into the Spanish language and culture!  I am so excited to meet my Señora and the other students in the program!

This experience will certainly be unlike any other I have encountered thus far.  I have never been out of the United States, traveled for seven weeks, or had a language besides English spoken as the dominant language.  My goal is to make the absolute most of the entire journey, and really challenge myself to "live" the Spanish culture!  I plan to blog updates whenever I get the chance, both as a way of documenting my experience, and also updating family and friends at home!  I hope to share pictures, experiences, stories, and other interesting things I learn!  Therefore, from now until mid-July, I will not be posting anything regarding my other "passions", unless it is in relation to Spain, since I will be posting my travel logs!  However, following my Spain journey, I will return to other topics!

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