Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Hello everyone! I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone, and that the summer is already winding down. This summer has been a whirlwind with very few days of rest in between, as I spent time in Japan, Phoenix, San Francisco, and just came back from Indianapolis! Each of these experiences was wonderful in its own way, but I think more than ever, I am thrilled to be home. My homebody self is looking forward to a little bit of sleeping in and some relaxation before the upcoming year begins. What I most learned from the busiest summer of my life is that the love of family and friends is really what life is about. The toughest part of the past few months was definitely missing my family and my incredible boyfriend, Jake. I had always known these people meant the world to me, but have also learned that even the most beautiful places in the world or the most meaningful experiences can't compare to big hugs or a feeling of belonging.

That being said, I did love spending my summer in San Francisco. The weather was gorgeous, and I had the opportunity to look out at the bay every single day! I now have a much deeper understanding with how non-profit organizations operate, and I have a much deeper respect for the ethical, awesome companies who were our partners, and an appreciation for their support, since that is often the only way we are able to do anything. I ate a lot of yummy food, gained new cooking knowledge and healthy recipes, and had fun at the biggest farmer's market I have ever been to! I enjoyed working both on the environmental curriculum based upon Project Green Challenge content, but also enjoyed working on many of the random projects that came up during the summer, as we are constantly "dreaming and doing", as our executive director. I didn't expect to learn as much as did about a wide variety of issues, two being hemp and GMOs. Before, I knew only bare bones definitions about these two topics, but now I feel like a well-informed citizen ready to action in regards to both topics! I made several wonderful friends with the other interns as well! Here is a picture of the other girls and I on our way back to Sausalito from our visit to San Francisco.

Now that I am home, I am continuing work on the curriculum, as well as video making, and hopefully a lot of posting, although I still have plenty of catch up left :) Enjoy your day!

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