Saturday, July 6, 2013


Hey everyone! I know it has been forever since I have posted. My summer internship with Teens Turning Green has been intensely busy, but also has taught me a lot and given me the opportunity to participate in many really cool projects! 

I don't really have time to post pictures right now, but I have been taking a lot of pictures, so here is a link to some that are on the summer interns page for the organization:

Also, we are currently in the midst of fundraising for an incredible school lunch transformation program. The poorest elementary school and middle school in the county (95% of the students are on free and reduced lunch) have low quality food in their school cafeteria, so we are trying to host the first ever school dining hall with all organic and non-GMO, that features healthy, local, and seasonal menus for both breakfast, lunch, and a snack. We are trying to raise the money to renovate one of the kitchens and to hire a chef. It is a really cool program, and as a future educator, it has been exciting to get involved with this project behind the scenes. If you want to learn more or see the info video I helped out with, you can click here.

Finally, I have been working with one of the other interns on a mini documentary and also a song about GMOs. We watched a wonderful and eye-opening film called GMO OMG and after I have done more research about the topic, it is definitely an issue that I care about! Check out the trailer if you are interested!

That is all for now! Not too exciting of a post, I suppose, but thanks again for your loyal reading! Hope you had a happy 4th of July! :)

1 comment:

  1. Geez girl! You're busy! And yes, you're welcome. I check this every day looking for something to make fun of but also because I'm your sister and love you a ton! You rock, keep it up!
