Saturday, August 3, 2013

School Lunch Reform: One School at a Time

Hello again! One of the most fun and rewarding projects to work on this summer during my internship for the environmental non-profit organization Teens Turning Green, was the Farm to Table Lunch Program, which is the chance to revolutionize school lunch for kids who need it most! At the end of the school year, the organization hosted a week-long demo to reveal what the program would look like, featuring the fresh, local, organic, seasonal, sustainable, and cooked from scratch meals that could be a reality in this school district. This is a video of the demo that includes pictures of the students, the teachers, and of course, the food.

There are just two weeks left to raise money, and there is still a lot that needs to be done! If this program goes through, the impact on the community of Marin City would be huge! Not only would the students at the elementary school and middle school have access to some of the best food around, but they would be also educated about nutrition and work with their chef to gain cooking experience.
I personally feel like this is more valuable than we can even understand, as obesity, diabetes, and cancer rates are out of control. Sometimes it's tough to make the kind of impact you want in the world, especially when there are so many different projects and organizations, but this is a way that we can make a huge difference in this community.

Visit out Indiegogo page to donate or learn more:
If you are able to give, please do. Every dollar counts.

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